Monday 19 September 2016

Obair Bhaile 19/09/16

Spellings - revise every night (quit, sweet, knob, kneel, knead, knot, knew, knuckle, English, language)

Read, discuss, understand and use words (strike, decision, reasons, exercise, growth, development) 

Sentences - each spelling must be put into a 'super' sentence in the homework copy by Friday (you can decide how to divide up the sentences every night)

English Worksheets 

- verbs worksheets must be finished for Friday 
- capital letters worksheet must be finished for Friday (**NB**please rewrite sentences in the homework copy)

Reading - each child will receive a reading comprehension every day in school. Please read this with your child and ask them the questions. It will be changed the next day.

Tables Champion - there is a section for each night. Please do the Tables Champion each night so we can correct it in school the next morning. 

Maths worksheets (3) - must be finished for Friday (leave out part D on the 1st page)

Tables - learn +3 tables for test on Friday 

Gaeilge spellings - bád (boat), bán (white), cáca (cake)

**We are doing a literacy 'power hour' every day for the next few weeks. Your child might get some extra reading from these groups for homework.**

Please double check your child's homework to ensure they have completed everything. 

Becky :-)

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