Wednesday 28 September 2016

Obair Bhaile 26/09/16

Hi Everyone, 

Apologies about the delay in getting the homework on the blog this week. Our internet was down until yesterday. 

Spellings - revise every night (shook, often, whiskers, whip, whatever, wheat, whale, what, library, computer) *NB* some children have extra spellings as part of our differentiated spelling programme. 

Read, discuss, understand and use words (flora, fauna, heather, gorse, ferns)

Sentences - each spelling must be put into a 'super' sentence in the homework copy by Friday. You can decide how to divide up the sentences every night. If children have more than 10 spellings they just pick 10 spellings to put into sentences. 

Green Genie - Fairy Ring story p. 8 
p. 9 Answer questions in part A into homework copy. Parts B and C can be written into the book. Children do not need to complete part D. 

Questions worksheet - finish for Friday 

Reading - each child will receive a reading comprehension every day in school. Please read this with your child and ask them the questions. It will be changed the next day. 

Tables Champion - there is a section for each night. Please do this each night so we can correct it in school the next morning. 

Maths worksheet - addition some with renaming. Please remind children to 'carry' the 1. 

Tables - learn +4 tables for Friday 

Gaeilge spellings - mála (bag) arán (bread) cupán (cup)

We are still doing the literacy "power hour" so your child might get some extra reading from these groups. 



Monday 19 September 2016

Obair Bhaile 19/09/16

Spellings - revise every night (quit, sweet, knob, kneel, knead, knot, knew, knuckle, English, language)

Read, discuss, understand and use words (strike, decision, reasons, exercise, growth, development) 

Sentences - each spelling must be put into a 'super' sentence in the homework copy by Friday (you can decide how to divide up the sentences every night)

English Worksheets 

- verbs worksheets must be finished for Friday 
- capital letters worksheet must be finished for Friday (**NB**please rewrite sentences in the homework copy)

Reading - each child will receive a reading comprehension every day in school. Please read this with your child and ask them the questions. It will be changed the next day.

Tables Champion - there is a section for each night. Please do the Tables Champion each night so we can correct it in school the next morning. 

Maths worksheets (3) - must be finished for Friday (leave out part D on the 1st page)

Tables - learn +3 tables for test on Friday 

Gaeilge spellings - bád (boat), bán (white), cáca (cake)

**We are doing a literacy 'power hour' every day for the next few weeks. Your child might get some extra reading from these groups for homework.**

Please double check your child's homework to ensure they have completed everything. 

Becky :-)

Monday 12 September 2016

Obair Bhaile 12/09/16

Spellings - revise every night (swung, spring, wrap, wrinkle, wrote, whole, wreck, answer, world, continent)

Read, discuss, understand and use words (relatives, community, democracy, argument, for, against, statement) 

Sentences - each spelling must be put into a 'super' sentence in the homework copy by Friday (you can decide how to divide up the sentences every night)

English Worksheets 

- verbs worksheet must be finished for Friday 
- capital letters and full stops worksheet must be finished for Friday (I have circled the number of sentences I want your child to complete, if you feel like they can do more than I have circled that's no problem - please rewrite sentences in the homework copy)

Reading - each child will receive a reading comprehension every day in school. Please read this with your child and ask them the questions. It will be changed the next day.

Tables Champion - there is a section for each night. Please do the Tables Champion each night so we can correct it in school the next morning. 

Maths worksheets (3) - must be finished for Friday (leave out part F on the 2nd page)

Tables - learn +2 tables for test on Friday 

Gaeilge spellings - lampa(lamp), madra(dog), capall(horse). Revise for test on Friday. 

Family tree - please finish for Friday  

**We are doing a literacy 'power hour' every day for the next few weeks. Your child might get some extra reading from these groups for homework.**

Any problems please get in touch. 

Becky :-)

Tuesday 6 September 2016

6th September

Hi all, 

I hope the new homework system is working well. 

Tomorrow line up and collection will be at the side of the school. 

Girls GAA training tomorrow after school @ 2:30 - 3:30 for any girls in our class who are interested. We will be training in the park beside the school. Please bring boots, shorts, gumshield etc. if you have them.

Have a nice day, 


Monday 5 September 2016


Hi Everyone, 

Welcome back to 2nd class. The homework will be posted on the blog this year. 

Everything your child needs for homework will be in their homework folder. 

Here is the homework for this week. 

Spellings - revise every night  (damp, stand, lamb, comb, limb, bomb, numb, climbing, together, laugh)

Sentences - each spelling must be put into a 'super' sentence in the homework copy by Friday (you can decide how to divide up the sentences every night)

Worksheet - nouns worksheet must be finished for Friday 

Reading - each child will receive a reading comprehension every day in school. Please read this with your child and ask them the questions. It will be changed the next day.

Tables Champion - there is a section for each night. Please do the Tables Champion each night so we can correct it in school the next morning. 

Maths worksheet - must be finished for Friday 

Tables - learn +1 tables for test on Friday 

Gaeilge spellings - cat, hata, glas. Revise for test on Friday. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me 

Becky :-)